Crazy Chicken: The Original
Windows game, 2000
- Genre:
- Action
- Year:
- 2000
- Developer:
- Witan Entertainment
- Publisher:
- Ravensburger Interactive Media
- Perspective:
- 1st-person
- Theme:
- Shooter, Animals
- Releases:
- Windows (2000)
- Also known as:
- Gallinelle: dall'originale Moorhuhn Jagd, Die Original Moorhuhnjagd, Moorhuhn

Moorhuhn is a German casual gaming franchise for PC and various other platforms. It currently consists of more than 30 games, the first of which - shoot 'em up - was the most popular German computer game in early 2000. Since 2001, most games have been released under the name Crazy Chicken in English, however some PC games and the first DS game in North America was sold by Encore (MumboJumbo for DS game) under the name Chicken Hunter. Crazy Chicken: The Original is the first part of an endless series of Moorhuhn hen games. Your task is clear, you have to shoot as many hens as possible in a 90-second interval. You get points for every hen you shoot down. For those in the background you get 25 points, for those closer to 10 points and for the nearest 5. But be careful that only hens are shot in this part. Other shot down things (plane, hat, balloon, ...) are for negative points.
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