Yu-Gi-Oh!: Power of Chaos - Joey the Passion

Windows game, 2004

Konami Computer Entertainment Japan
Konami Digital Entertainment
Board / Party game, Cards
Windows (2004)
Also known as:
YuGiOh: Power of Chaos - Joey the Passion

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Yu-Gi-Oh!: Power of Chaos - Joey the Passion screenshot 2Yu-Gi-Oh!: Power of Chaos - Joey the Passion screenshot 3Yu-Gi-Oh!: Power of Chaos - Joey the Passion screenshot 4Yu-Gi-Oh!: Power of Chaos - Joey the Passion screenshot 5

Another part of a series of computer adaptations of the card game Yu-Gi-Oh !, Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos. This time you will play against Yugi's friend Jounouchi. You can transfer the cards you got in previous episodes of Yugi the Destiny and Kaiba the Revenge to this episode (but you can't transfer them back). The basic game principles remain unchanged, but of course the Jounouchi choose different strategies than the previous two opponents. The game brings 350 new cards and a new graphical interface in a street style (street with a wire fence). New experiences in the game that increase your level and reputation. The game can again be played over the net in two players as a classic duel. Although the game was advertised with a completely new interface, you will find that everything is really the same, but with new graphics, as well as the differences between Yugi the Destiny and Kaiba the Revenge. This game has a street impression rather than the Egyptian style of Yugi and the futuristic style of Kaiba.

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# Shay
7 days ago

I love you guys for making my dream comes true! for more than 10 years i was looking out to see if i can play this masterpiece again! thank you... thank you all so much...
due to the place im in i cannot donate via net but you have my words, i saved this page and the first day i get out this country i will donate a huge some for you wonderful people you are angels in our world!

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