Tiny Skweeks (aka The Brainies)
DOS game, 1992
- Genre:
- Puzzle
- Year:
- 1992
- Developer:
- Atreid Concept
- Publisher:
- Inline Design
- Perspective:
- Top-down
- Theme:
- Puzzle elements
- Releases:
- Amstrad CPC (1991), DOS (1992), Amiga (1992), Atari ST (1992), Macintosh (1992), SNES (1994)
- Also known as:
- The Brainies, The Tinies

Skweeks are four little cute creatures, easily distinguished by colors: red, blue, yellow and green. If you find these four furry balls familiar, it's not a coincidence - Tiny Skweeks (also known as The Brainies or The Tinies) is a game that preceded the game Fury of the Furries and these games fall into a Skweek series. This puzzle game has 101 levels, where your goal is to get all the monsters on their spots. They are thematically divided into ten different groups, gradually more and more challenges are added, complicating the successful completion of the level. Over time, the "houses" must first be "turned on" (a creature of the corresponding color must pass through the field with the corresponding lever), there will be sinkholes (they work in pairs as teleporters, only a creature of the given color will fall through them again), arrows changing the direction of movement, bouncers (reversing the direction movement), walls breakable only by a creature of a certain color or dangerous dynamite. However, it is also possible to collect an alarm clock (extending the time limit to complete the level) or an extra life. You can always move only one creature at the time and once you move you can only be stoped by the nearest wall or obstacle. Therefore, it is necessary to think through all the moves in advance. This is a great puzzle game that I recommend for all ages.
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