Street Cat (Bad Cat)

DOS game, 1988

Rainbird Software
Amstrad CPC (1987), Atari ST (1987), Commodore 64 (1987), DOS (1988), Amiga (1988)

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Street Cat (Bad Cat) screenshot 1Street Cat (Bad Cat) screenshot 2Street Cat (Bad Cat) screenshot 3Street Cat (Bad Cat) screenshot 4

Street Cat (also known as Bad Cat) is a quirky and entertaining arcade-style game that offers a unique blend of different gameplay elements. Developed during a time when the gaming industry was exploring various genres and styles, Street Cat stood out for its creative design and engaging gameplay. …read more

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Game review

Street Cat (also known as Bad Cat) is a quirky and entertaining arcade-style game that offers a unique blend of different gameplay elements. Developed during a time when the gaming industry was exploring various genres and styles, Street Cat stood out for its creative design and engaging gameplay.

In Street Cat, players take on the role of a titular streetwise cat engaging in various urban adventures. The game is divided into several mini-games, each presenting different challenges that test the player's skills in various ways. These mini-games are tied together by the central character, the street cat, whose goal is to impress a female cat.

One of the mini-games involves the street cat skateboarding through an urban landscape, dodging obstacles, and collecting items. This segment is characterized by side-scrolling action and requires players to time their jumps and maneuvers accurately to avoid obstacles and gather points.

Another mini-game challenges players to participate in a sort of 'cat Olympics,' where the street cat must compete in events such as fence climbing and roof jumping. These events require quick reflexes and precise timing, as players navigate the cat through urban obstacles and challenges.

Street Cat was noted for its variety of gameplay experiences, offering more than just the typical platformer or action game. The mix of skateboarding, athletic challenges, and other mini-games provided a diverse and entertaining experience.


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