Diner Dash

Windows game, 2005

Isometric, Top-down
Managerial, Real-time
Windows (2005), Macintosh (2005)
Also known as:
Обеденный переполох. Начало, Dinner Dash

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Diner Dash screenshot 2Diner Dash screenshot 3Diner Dash screenshot 4Diner Dash screenshot 5

Diner Dash, a popular time-management game from 2005, brings to life the hustle and bustle of running a restaurant. Players step into the shoes of Flo, a former stockbroker turned restaurateur, as she strives to build her dining empire from a modest roadside diner to a high-end restaurant. The game's core mechanics revolve around efficiently seating customers, taking orders, serving food, and clearing tables. Players must juggle these tasks quickly to keep customers happy and earn enough tips. As the game progresses, the challenges increase with busier restaurants and more demanding customers, including food critics and impatient patrons. This game even has a story. Flo is a hard worker at a big stock market company in Dinertown. She's tired of doing all the work and feeling unfulfilled. Flo quits her job, wishing she could work someplace else. She spots a run-down old diner, which she buys. She has to make enough money to fix up the diner. Later after earning more finance, she opens a new restaurant called Flo's Tiki Palace, after earning enough there she then opens a seaside diner called Go with the Flo Fine Seafood Dining, when finished at the seaside diner she opens a dazzling newer restaurant called Chez Flo's. Diner Dash is a game that appeals to players of all ages, offering a delightful blend of fast-paced action and strategy. Its addictive gameplay, combined with a relatable storyline of following one's dreams, makes it a must-play title in the time-management genre.

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