Das Boot: German U-Boat Simulation
DOS game, 1990
- Genre:
- Simulation
- Year:
- 1990
- Developer:
- Artech Studios
- Publisher:
- Three-Sixty Pacific
- Perspective:
- 1st-person, 3rd-person
- Theme:
- History, Warfare, Submarine, Naval
- Releases:
- DOS (1990), Amiga (1991)
- Also known as:
- Das Boot is Missing

Submarines were quite popular theme in simulation games in the 90s. The central motive of this game is a submarine (surprise!), where you control a Nazi U-boat Type VII U-Boat, which was used around 1941. The name of the game is Das Boot: German U-Boat Simulation, where Das Boot means literally "The Boat". The simulator is a classic, nothing exceptional, but nicely designed. Your goal is to fight against the allied submarines, shelter airstrikes from the enemies. You have 4 types of torpedoes: contact, acoustic, looping and magnetic. All orders you receive are encrypted to prevent access by enemies and you must crack them through the decoding mechanism known as Enigma.
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I manage to finish all missions, except
North Atlantic Patrol
Can somebody please explain what to do?
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