DOS game, 2001
- Genre:
- Arcade
- Year:
- 2001
- Developer:
- Wiering Software
- Publisher:
- Wiering Software
- Perspective:
- 3rd-person, Platform, Side-view
- Releases:
- DOS (2001)
- Also known as:
- Super Mario Bros Remake, Mario & Luigi, Mario!!!

The beginning of Mario game series dates back to sometime in 1980, when Mario was created for SEGA console as a secondary character in Donkey Kong. Meanwhile, Mario has gained great popularity and many companies made various remakes. Among the most successful and best remake for DOS it Mario!!! - game from Mike Wiering (WieringSoftware) that stands out particularly with its nice graphics. Mario can improve his abbilities: at the beginning level, he is just a dwarf, then he rises to an adult Mario and then he even learns how to shoots. -Your path to save the princess is not easy and on your way you are gonna meet carnivorous flowers, strange creatures and turtles, but these can be easily overcome. You must also use your enemies to overcome some obstacles. For example, to get further, you have to skillfully jump up on the enemy, or stand on the turtle. The game has very diverse environments with really cool graphics. It's definitely one of the best old games and this remake is one of the most enjoyable. More info:
Game review
Tadada dadaa da tam ta daadada .. Surely you all know this melody. Or not? Well, don't kid yourself .. Well, you lady back there? How? No, it's not king-kong. And you, the gentleman in the back? How? Can't I hear? A little louder! Oh yes! But nieeeee. It's not a melody of an ice cream truck. Does anyone really know that? And you boy ?? How?? Mario, uncle. Great !!! At least someone still knows our old Mary.
Well, how did mario actually come about ?? But it was made by a large company. And that company is NINTENDo. Yes, this company created today's (but actually already timeless) phenomenon Mário. I can't even say how much Maria has been. How many I saw them sell in stores. For example, the very first was, if I remember correctly, MARIO Bros. I still played this game on the good old seg. There was actually only one static image and that was the whole level. Then came SUPER MARIO BROS. (But we'll skip this Maria, because it's actually our Mario. We'll write about him later.) Mario, where you were tasked with destroying various viruses and bacteria. The whole game was in the concept of logic, such a variety of tetris. And if I remember correctly, she had exactly 24 levels for the gameboy. Later, various variations of games with Mario came on the market, such as Wario, Wario and Mario and the like. If these games were somehow extra bad, I'm not saying how much I recorded on school with a friend's gameboy. But I didn't get too excited to buy such a game.
And let's not forget when we were with those mixes (I don't mean mm-mareka so interesting and memorable mix was the game Donkey Kong. Here, like Mario, you had to go upstairs (also in the static screen) and save the princess. Of course, someone other than Donkey Kong threw barrels at you that you had to jump over or avoid them Mixes () mainly include things like South Park Mario, Simpsons Mario .. Well, let's not deviate from the theme. There are many, very many, and most of the time Mario doesn't even get to his heels, at least that's how it is for me, of course, you could write a 300-page essay about games like Mario, and there are a lot of games, but really a lot. In the review, I chose probably the most important and basic ones that were Mario's role models.
So now we get to the point slowly. And that thing is nothing but SUPER MARIO BROS. Super Mario Bros. So these three words always remind me of one movie. Yes, Mário was also filmed. Well, to the point. What is this game about? Well, the dragon, or as it is called, better said mutantdrak kidnapped the princess. And you, as a promising plumber, have the task of saving her with your brother Lugi. Of course, you only use your brother in multiplayer. (Multi player was unfortunately only on SEGA and Nintendo versions)
Mushrooms will stand in your way. Yes mushrooms. Not mushrooms like mushrooms, but mushrooms like mushrooms. Well, of course not classic mushrooms, because conservationists would certainly protest, but mushrooms are mutated and evil. They just follow you, and when they touch you, they are bad-bad. And so that the game is not stereotypical, turtles also attack you. (As otherwise mutated). Turtles are already, but a different lot than mushrooms. On the mouth (the mushroom just jumps once and it's after it. But if you jump on a turtle, the turtle will be rooted (put in the armor, my own word) and sniff until you jump on it again and the turtle will fly away. which are indomitable. They just don't end up green, right away. You have to kill them.
This is what the first levels look like. In the next levels, armored mole-hedgehogs are waiting for you, which are especially dangerous because they can only be killed by a flamethrower. So how to get to it? First you have to break the boxes with? and if by chance there will be a friendly mushroom, then take it and Mario will get bigger for you (DO NOT TAKE IT DOUBLE ONLY). But Mario is just bigger and needs some flamethrower. So Mario has to keep looking and has to find a flower. Thanks to the flower, it will have a flamethrower. And when we look at those flowers, of course the flowers are also bad. Now they would probably get angry with greenpeace, but when they play a game and jump on some oven and suddenly a flower jumps out of the oven and kills you, they would probably change their minds.
At the end of one stage (ie more levels) a dragon is waiting for you. Yes, the dragon itself. Which you have to outwit, but I won't tell you how, you have to figure it out for yourself.
And finally, the rescue of the princess.
Now, but we will go very beautifully to graphics, levels, sounds and the like. The graphics of the game are very, but very nice. Levels taking place outside have nice white skies, green grass in the background of the hill and the like. These levels are followed by underground levels where it is a little denser. Because fiery fireballs are firing at you from the very hellish land. Which more or less make you happy to hit. There are also so-called bonus levels in these levels. They are actually hide rooms in one of the pipes, where there is a lot of money - points.
And the final levels, in which the dragon su n itself is located and more complicated, just because every move needs to be reconsidered. This whole level is very gloomy and scary.
Sounds are probably the biggest weakness of the PC version. Because they're just PC speaker shots. And of course we are without music on the PC. And as for the SEGA and NINTENDA versions, SMB is with the sounds at a very, but very large level.
In the end. I played this game about 6-9 years ago and so far I haven't gotten tired of it. That is why I pay a huge tribute and gratitude to NINTEND for what the Gamers do for us.
Reviewed by Anonym – 1. april 2014
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