Téma: Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure

Registrácia: 1.4.2004
Počet príspevkov: 1247
Odoslané pred 4 rokmi
This topic is for comments and discussion about Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure. If you have any questions, or problems with this game, let us know. Also feel free to share any insights, useful tips and tricks with us.
Thanks and have fun!

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure download
Registrácia: 25.2.2021
Počet príspevkov: 5
Odoslané pred 3 rokmi
You can download Sega Genesis version (I think there is no difference comparing to PC version) somewhere on the web and download Sega Genesis emulator (for example Kega Fusion) and you get sound and music. Or if you prefer this PC version with sound (but no music), follow instructions there https://thisoldrecliner.neocities.org/pitfall.html.

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