Argomento: Eye of the Beholder 2: The Legend of Darkmoon

Registrato: 1.4.2004
Post del forum: 1247
Pubblicato 4 anni fa
This topic is for comments and discussion about Eye of the Beholder 2: The Legend of Darkmoon. If you have any questions, or problems with this game, let us know. Also feel free to share any insights, useful tips and tricks with us.
Thanks and have fun!

Eye of the Beholder 2: The Legend of Darkmoon download
Registrato: 18.1.2025
Post del forum: 3
Pubblicato 1 mese fa
i cant find the northern horn anymore...i cant remember that it was in the first or second area of the catcombs...
I saved all of my sessions online with login and log out

What happended? I only have the eastern horn yet.

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