Interplay Entertainment Corp.

- Založená:
- 1983
- Poloha:
- Beverly Hills, California, USA
- Status:
- Aktívní
- Web stránka:
- (wiki)
- Taktéž známa jako:
- Interplay Productions (od roku 1983 do roku 1998)
Nejpopulárnější hry od Interplay Entertainment na
- Mario Teaches Typing (1992) — Výrobce, Distributor
- Atomic Bomberman (1997) — Výrobce, Distributor
- Fallout (1997) — Výrobce, Distributor
- Battle Chess (1989) — Výrobce, Distributor
- Lost Vikings, The (1993) — Distributor
- Lost Vikings 2, The (1997) — Distributor
- Blackthorne (1994) — Distributor
- Descent (1995) — Distributor
- Blood & Magic (1996) — Distributor
- Baldur's Gate (1998) — Distributor
- Star Trek: Judgment Rites (1993) — Výrobce
- Battle Chess 4000 (1992) — Výrobce, Distributor
- Lord of the Rings, Vol. I, The (1990) — Výrobce
- Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space (1993) — Distributor
- M.A.X.: Mechanized Assault & Exploration (1996) — Výrobce, Distributor
- Bard's Tale: Tales of the Unknown, The (1987) — Výrobce
- Mario's Game Gallery (1995) — Distributor
- Lord of the Rings, Vol. 2: The Two Towers, The (1992) — Výrobce, Distributor
- Rags to Riches: The Financial Market Simulation (1993) — Výrobce, Distributor
- Lexi-Cross (1991) — Distributor
- Another World (1991) — Distributor
- WarCraft: Orcs & Humans (1994) — Distributor
- Fallout 2 (1998) — Distributor